Friday, March 2, 2012

You're Gonna "Love" What's Coming Up Next.....

Greetings lovies!

I have been suuuuper excited to post again this week.... BECAUSE:

I had an AMAZING shower-piphany this week!

I swear I'm not crazy. I made up that word. A shower-phiphany is an epiphany that occurs while in the shower, because for some reason I do my best thinking there... But I seriously really enjoy taking showers for several reasons, one of them being that I get 20 minutes of uninterrupted ME time.

Anyway, this post is dedicated to giving you a head's up for what you have to look forward to. I have a bunch of ideas, but in order to avoid running out of things to talk about, I thought I'd start by posting about some of the people and places that I love and why I love them. From there, I thought it would be fun to talk about LOVE (because I know that's what you're waiting for... We'll talk about how the world defines love, and follow up with how God views love, because that's what really matters. And from there, I want to talk about different relationships... friends, family, significant others.. how God views them and how important it is to make Christ the center of those relationships.... and we'll see how it goes!!

I also have a request of you... your feedback is important to me, so throughout the process, I would love your comments/suggestions/ideas for other topics to discuss! This week, I would ask that you keep me in your prayers, as today I had a phone interview with Mayo Clinic... for my DREAM internship!!! I would just ask that you pray for God's will to be done in this situation and for my heart to be open and willing to follow his plan for me--- wherever it takes me.

Until Next Time:  

"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

AND one just for giggles:

... I KNEW you'd like it!!


Monday, February 27, 2012


For this first post, I wanted to take some time to introduce my blog and its (intended) purpose.

(Disclaimer): I will admit that this is my first ever attempt at blogging, so please understand if I have trouble making regular posts or something, because I'm doing my best.

I am a relationship person. I love meeting people, hearing their stories, and building relationships. In fact, I love love! I love talking with married friends about how they met and fell in love, I love talking about and (hypothetically) planning my future wedding. I even love thinking about my future husband.

But one thing I have learned time and time again is that in the big picture, my thoughts about love don't even matter... (a shocking revelation for most of us, I'm sure)

What really matters is what God has to say about love. I have a dear friend who shared one of the best explanations of relationships that I have ever heard. He said that we all have letters written on our hearts, like important messages from God. God brings someone into our lives, and He decides when it's our turn to read that person's message, or when our message needs to be read. If you think about it, that is a perfect explanation for why some relationships blossom and grow to be lifelong, and why it seems that some relationships only work for a season.

I want to use this blog as a means of talking about love. About friendships, romantic relationships, love from family, and (most importantly) God's love for us, and how He is constantly working on our hearts, in and through us on our relationships. And I would love input and commentary from my (eventual) followers.

A quote until next time: "If your heart is open, love will always find its way in." - Jane Seymour
